User Documentation


This game was inspired by Baby Shark Dance, the name of the game is Sharkie Frenzy. The purpose of this game was to expand kids knowledge about sharks, mathematics, and general knowledge. I wanted to make an environment in where kids have curiosity and willingness to learn and study more through this game. 

Main Objective

Sharkie Frenzy is a high score based game where player enter the game as a shark. The objective is to try eat fishes and avoid jellyfishes, and the player was given 3 lives at first. Every time the player got stung by a jellyfish or answer the question incorrectly the lives will be deducted by 1. The questions type is a random multiple choice and it will appear every time the shark got stung by the jellyfish. Player is required to answer before the given period of time otherwise they could not escape from the jellyfish and got stung which will decrease the shark lives by 1. However, if the player could answer the question correctly, there will be no penalty. The fourth time a player chooses a wrong answer or running out of time, it will be “Game Over”. The higher the score that the player earn during the game will make the questions harder.


1 Point = Fish

5 Points = Answer the question correctly


How to play



The fig.1 shows the application Home Screen. By pressing the button “Play Now” on the page, it allows the user to play directly. Aside from that, there is tutorial button on the top right of the screen which will redirect user to go to the game’s tutorial layout. The user could as well view and watch “Daily Sharks Fun Fact Video” by pressing the button right next to “Play Now” that looks like a yellow play button. Background music will be automatically played, the user could anytime mute and unmute the background music. The button is at the right top corner, and it has a fixed position that will never change in all layout.



Fig.2 shows how the game looks like when the player enter the game as a shark. In order for the shark to move, the user needs to press Up, Left, Right, Down arrow on their keyboard. There are various type of fish that the shark will meet but their behaviors are all the same. The fish have an ability to avoid the shark. So every time the fish sees the shark is coming, they could swim faster to the opposite direction. Aside from the fish, do not forget about the jellyfish which might sting the shark and when it happens, a pop up questions box will appear with time bar as shown in fig.3



The question box will look like what is in fig.3. The player have to quickly answer the question by clicking one of the box provided with A,B,C,D section on it. The red line bellow the question box is a time. When the time reached 0 and the player still could not answer the right answer, the shark will get stung and minus 1 lives. But if the player manage to answer the question correctly, the player will earn 5 points. The tutorial button is always on the top right corner during game in case the player forgot how to play. In the pause page, the user is able to resume, restart and go back to the home page.

When pause button is clicked, it will look like:



When tutorial button is clicked / Tutorial page:


Fig.5 shows the start of the tutorial page. A full tutorial is provided in this layout where user can click on the next button present on all tutorial dialogues. The tutorial speech is provided and played automatically on every dialogues. It could be muted using the mute button on the top right of the screen. The player also could skip the tutorial by clicking the next button on the top right of the screen that shapes like a play button (Blue Triangle).

When the yellow play button on the home screen clicked it will shows a “Daily Sharks Fun Fact Video”:


This is the “Daily Sharks Fun Fact Video” page. This game application will provide children (players) a daily fun fact video about sharks (a different one everyday). Players can play and pause or mute and unmute whenever they want just by clicking the buttons below the video. And the blue icon on the right most allows the user to directly back to the home page.

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